20 Flowers Name Starting with N

There is a variety of beautiful flowers name starting with N. One of the most popular and well-known flowers is the Narcissus, also known as daffodil. These bright and cheerful flowers are a sign of spring and are often given as gifts or used to decorate homes.

Another flower starting with N is Nigella, also known as Love-in-a-Mist. This charming flower has delicate blue, white, or pink petals that surround a dark center.

The Nemesia is a fragrant flower with colorful blossoms that come in shades of pink, purple, yellow, and white. The nerine is a breathtaking flower with slender petals that bloom in shades of pink, red, or white, making it a popular choice for floral arrangements.

Finally, the nasturtium is a vibrant flower with edible leaves and flowers that come in shades of bright orange, yellow, and red. These flowers not only add beauty to gardens and floral arrangements but also provide a splash of color to salads and other dishes.

Flowers Name Starting with N


Nasturtiums flowers - Flowers Name Starting with N

Nasturtiums are a beautiful and versatile plant that can be used in a variety of ways. They come in a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, and red, and can be grown in pots or in the ground.

One of the best things about nasturtiums is that they are edible, and their leaves and flowers can be used in salads, sandwiches, and other dishes, adding a peppery flavor. They are also rich in vitamin C and have been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments. They are easy to grow, require little maintenance, and are a great choice for beginner gardeners.

Scientific NameTropaeolum majus
Native RangeAndes Mountains in South America
Flowering SeasonSpring and summer

Nelumbo Nucifera

Nelumbo nucifera flowers - Flowers Name Starting with N

Nelumbo nucifera is a beautiful flowering plant that is often associated with peace and serenity. It is native to Asia and has been cultivated for thousands of years for its significance in religion, art, and cuisine.

It is known to be a natural diuretic, which makes it beneficial for people with urinary problems. The seeds of the lotus plant are also edible and have been used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments. The lotus plant also has a unique ability to survive in harsh environments, making it a symbol of resilience and strength.

Scientific NameNelumbo nucifera
Native RangeAsia
Flowering SeasonSummer


Nemesia Flowers - Flowers Name Starting with N

Nemesia is a genus of beautiful and fragrant annual and perennial plants that are native to South Africa. They are known for their beautiful and bright-colored flowers that come in shades of pink, purple, yellow, orange, and white.

These flowers bloom in clusters and have a sweet fragrance that is perfect for gardens and indoor arrangements. They are relatively easy to care for and require regular watering and well-draining soil. Nemesia plants are a popular choice for gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike due to their vibrant colors and sweet fragrance. They are perfect for adding pops of color to gardens and lending their sweet scent to indoor spaces.

Scientific NameNemesia
Native RangeSouth Africa
Flowering SeasonSpring through summer


Nemophila Flowers - Flowers Name Starting with N

Nemophila is a beautiful and delicate flower that is native to North America. The name “Nemophila” is derived from the Greek words “nemos” meaning “wooded valley” and “Philos” meaning “loving”.

It is also commonly referred to as the “Baby Blue Eyes” due to its distinctive blue color. The Nemophila flower is small, usually only growing to be about 6 inches tall, and has delicate, five-petaled blooms. It can also come in shades of white and pink. The Nemophila is a popular flower for gardeners because it is easy to grow and can adapt to different soil types and growing conditions.

Scientific NameNemophila
Native RangeNorth America
Flowering SeasonSpring or early summer


Nepeta Flowers - Flowers Name Starting with N

Nepeta is a beautiful flowering plant that is commonly found in gardens and landscapes around the world. Native to Europe and Asia, these plants are easy to grow and require little maintenance, making them a popular choice for many gardeners.

Nepeta plants produce beautiful spikes of lavender or blue flowers that bloom from late spring to early autumn, attracting bees and butterflies to their fragrant nectar.

Scientific NameNepeta cataria
Native RangeEurope, Asia, and Africa
Flowering SeasonSummer


Nerine Flowers - Flowers Name Starting with N

Nerine is a beautiful and unique flower. This stunning flower boasts vibrant, trumpet-shaped blooms that range in color from deep and rich reds to soft and delicate pinks.

One of the most unique features of the Nerine is its long and slender stem, which can grow up to 18 inches tall. This makes it a perfect choice for adding height and dimension to floral arrangements. The Nerine is also known for its long-lasting blooms, which can remain vibrant and beautiful for several weeks.

Scientific NameNerine
Native RangeSouth Africa
Flowering SeasonLate summer or early autumn

Nettle-leaved Bellflower

Nettle-leaved Bellflower - Flowers Name Starting with N

Nettle-leaved bellflower is a beautiful, delicate wildflower that is native to Europe and Western Asia. Its botanical name, campanula trachelium, refers to the shape of its flower, which resembles a tiny, bell-shaped trumpet.

The flowers, which bloom from July to September, come in shades of blue, purple, pink, and white. In addition to its ornamental value, nettle-leaved bellflower has medicinal properties and is used in traditional medicine to treat respiratory and digestive ailments. It is also a popular garden flower and is easy to grow, making it a favorite among gardeners.

Scientific NameCampanula trachelium
Native RangeEurope
Flowering SeasonJune to August

New Guinea Impatiens

New Guinea Impatiens - Flowers Name Starting with N

New Guinea Impatiens are a beautiful and popular flowering plant that is native to New Guinea. These flowers come in a variety of colors including pink, white, orange, and purple. They are perfect for adding a pop of color to gardens, flower beds, and even hanging baskets.

They also require minimal maintenance, making them a great option for those who are new to gardening or don’t have a lot of time to care for their plants. New Guinea Impatiens are known for their ability to attract butterflies and hummingbirds, making them a great addition to any backyard garden.

Scientific NameImpatiens hawkeri
Native RangePapua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
Flowering SeasonSpring


Nierembergia Flowers - Flowers Name Starting with N

Nierembergia is a beautiful and delicate flower that is native to South America. This flower is known for its lovely purple or white petals, which bloom in elegant clusters during the summer months. The Nierembergia plant can be grown in gardens, pots, or even hanging baskets, making it a versatile and attractive addition to any living space.

One of the unique characteristics of this plant is its ability to attract bees and butterflies, making it an excellent choice for gardeners who value pollinators. Nierembergia is also a low-maintenance plant, which means it’s perfect for those who don’t have much experience with gardening.

Scientific NameNierembergia
Native RangeArgentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay
Flowering SeasonSpring and summer

Night Phlox

Night Phlox Flowers - Flowers Name Starting with N

Night Phlox is a small, delicate plant that blooms at night with highly fragrant flowers. Its petals are white and yellow, and they have a sweet smell that attracts night-flying insects like moths and butterflies.

The flowers bloom in clusters and are surrounded by narrow, pointed leaves that add to the plant’s beauty. Night Phlox is native to South Africa but can now be found in gardens across the world. Due to its unique fragrance and night-blooming nature, it is often used in fragrances and perfumes. In addition to its beauty and fragrance, Night Phlox is easy to grow and care for. It prefers well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight and can be propagated by seeds or cuttings.

Scientific NameZaluzianskya capensis
Native RangeSouth Africa
Flowering SeasonSpring and summer


Nymphaea Flowers - Flowers Name Starting with N

Nymphaea, commonly known as water lilies, is one of the most beautiful aquatic plants. With their stunning colors and unique shapes, these floating flowers are a popular feature in many backyard ponds and aquatic gardens.

In Ancient Egypt, the water lily was associated with the sun and rebirth, while in Hinduism and Buddhism, it symbolizes enlightenment and purity of the soul. The Nymphaea flower also serves as a food source for many aquatic animals and plays an important role in the ecosystem. Additionally, the plant has medicinal properties and is used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments.

Scientific NameNymphaea
Native RangeNorth America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia
Flowering SeasonSpring and summer


Narcissus Flower - Flowers Name Starting with N

The Narcissus flower is a stunning and captivating flower. Narcissus flowers have a central trumpet-shaped structure, known as the corona or cup, surrounded by six petals, known as the perianth.

Narcissus flowers come in a variety of colors, including shades of yellow, white, orange, and pink. Narcissus flowers typically bloom in the spring. The Narcissus flower is a symbol of rebirth and new beginnings, as it is one of the first flowers to bloom after a long winter.

Scientific NameNarcissus
Native RangeSouthern Europe and North Africa
Flowering SeasonSpring

Neomarica Caerulea

Neomarica Caerulea Flower - Flowers Name Starting with N

The Neomarica Caerulea flower is a stunning and unique plant. It is native to South America, particularly Brazil and Argentina. The flowers have three broad, blue petals with contrasting white and yellow markings.

Neomarica caerulea generally blooms during the spring and summer months. The exact timing can vary depending on the growing conditions and climate. It prefers well-drained soil and can tolerate a range of soil types.

Scientific NameNeomarica caerulea
Native RangeBrazil, South, and Central America
Flowering SeasonLate spring to summer


Nerium Flower - Flowers Name Starting with N

The Nerium is a beautiful flower. Nerium flowers are showy and come in a variety of colors, including shades of white, pink, red, and yellow. Nerium flowers typically bloom from spring to fall, although the exact timing can vary depending on the climate and growing conditions.

They can reach a height of 6 to 12 feet (1.8 to 3.7 meters) or more. Nerium thrives in warm and sunny conditions.

Scientific NameNerium oleander
Native RangePortugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, and Turkey
Flowering SeasonSpring and summer

New York Ironweed

New York Ironweed Flower -  Flowers Name Starting with N

The New York Ironweed flower is a stunning and resilient plant. It is scientifically known as Vernonia noveboracensis. It is native to eastern and central regions of North America.

New York Ironweed typically blooms from mid to late summer, usually starting in July and continuing through September. New York Ironweed is a tall perennial, reaching heights between 4 to 8 feet (1.2 to 2.4 meters) or even taller. New York Ironweed thrives in full sun to partial shade conditions.

Scientific NameVernonia noveboracensis
Native RangeThe eastern United States, from Florida to Massachusetts and west to Tennessee, Alabama, and West Virginia and to southern Ontario
Flowering SeasonLate summer to early fall


Nicandra Flower - Flowers Name Starting with N

The Nicandra flower is also known as the shoo-fly plant or apple-of-Peru. The flowers have a distinctive light blue to purple color, sometimes with darker veins or markings.

Nicandra plants typically bloom during the summer months. It can reach a height of about 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 meters) and has a bushy appearance. Nicandra plants prefer full sun exposure but can tolerate partial shade. Nicandra plants are generally low-maintenance.

Scientific NameNicandra physalodes
Native RangeWestern South America – Northwest Argentina, Bolivia, North, and Central Chile, and Peru
Flowering SeasonSummer


Nicotiana Flower - Flowers Name Starting with N

The Nicotiana flower is a stunning and intriguing plant. Nicotiana flowers come in various colors, including white, pink, red, yellow, and lavender. Nicotiana flowers usually bloom during the summer months.

Nicotiana plants can vary in size and growth habits depending on the species and cultivar. They can range from small bedding plants to taller specimens, reaching heights of 1 to 6 feet (30 cm to 1.8 meters). Nicotiana plants thrive in full sun to partial shade conditions.

Scientific NameNicotiana
Native RangeAmericas, Australia, Southwestern Africa and the South Pacific
Flowering SeasonSummer, fall


Nigella Flower - Flowers Name Starting with N

The Nigella is a stunning and unique flower. The flowers can be various shades of blue, pink, white, or purple. Nigella flowers usually bloom in late spring or early summer, depending on the specific species and growing conditions.

Nigella plants have an upright and branching growth habit. They typically reach a height of about 1 to 2 feet (30 to 60 cm) and spread about 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) wide.

Scientific NameNigella
Native RangeSouthern Europe, North Africa, South Asia, Southwest Asia, and the Middle East
Flowering SeasonSpring and early summer

Nodding Wakerobin

Nodding Wakerobin Flower - Flowers Name Starting with N

Nodding Wakerobin is scientifically known as Trillium Flexipes. It is a member of the Trillium genus. Each flower has three large, rounded petals that are typically maroon or reddish-purple in color. Nodding Wakerobin flowers typically bloom in spring.

They typically reach a height of about 12 to 18 inches (30 to 45 cm) and spread about 12 inches (30 cm) wide. It prefers rich, well-drained soil with ample organic matter. Nodding Wakerobin is generally low-maintenance.

Scientific NameTrillium flexipes
Native RangeNorth America
Flowering SeasonSpring


Nolana flower - Flowers Name Starting with N

Nolana, commonly known as Nolana or Chilean Bellflower. It is native to the coastal regions of South America. The flowers can be various shades of blue, purple, pink, or yellow, often with contrasting markings or veins.

Nolana flowers typically bloom during the spring and summer months. They typically reach a height of about 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) and spread several feet wide. Nolana plants prefer full sun to partial shade conditions.

Scientific NameNolana paradoxa
Native RangeGalΓ‘pagos, Peru to Chile
Flowering SeasonSummer

Question & Answer

What is this popular bedding plant?

One of the most bedding plants is Begonias

What is the name of the sleeping plant?

The name of the “sleeping plant” is the Mimosa pudica. Mimosa pudica is commonly known as the sensitive plant, touch-me-not, or sleepy plant.

Which flower means mom?

The flower that is commonly associated with symbolizing or representing a mother is the Carnation.

What is a lucky flower?

Peonies are regarded as lucky flowers symbolizing prosperity, happiness, and good fortune.

Which flower represents friendship?

The flower commonly associated with representing friendship is the Yellow Rose.

Most Beautiful Flowers 🌼🌻🌸 Start With ‘ N ‘ | Names of Flowers And Natives 🏑🌏 | Best Flowers Forever

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